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         The George Zimmerman Trial:

     What Picture is the Defense Really Painting?

The George Zimmerman trial is one that has the entire nation talking and some in an uproar. While as of right now no one knows for certain how it’s going to end, we certainly can see the picture the defense in this case is trying to paint. It is a picture that I find deeply disturbing.


The defense team in this trial is arguing self-defense. In a case where a person was suddenly attacked by someone who overpowered them and then shot their attacker, having no other escape; that would certainly be self-defense. Clearly that was not the case between George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin. Zimmerman followed Trayvon, got out of his car and then followed him. It is also obvious that Zimmerman had a gun on him. Why? If his reason for having a gun on his body while following Trayvon Martin is because he thought Trayvon may have had a gun, why follow him? There is just no sensible reason for George Zimmerman to ever have been following that young man.


The defense is trying to prove self-defense because Zimmerman basically claims that Trayvon Martin overpowered him by slamming his head repeatedly into the cement. While that in itself makes no sense seeing how coherent and balanced Zimmerman was after the altercation, the defense is painting a very bad picture for the American citizens. Based off of what they’re trying to prove, the defense is basically telling the citizens of Florida that if you get in a fight, even if you started it, you have the right to kill the person you’re fighting if they are winning that fight. That sounds utterly stupid to anyone with moral, but that’s what they are technically saying. That’s their whole argument.


I have no personal dislike for George Zimmerman, but I have great disdain for injustice. The death of Trayvon Martin was not justsified. I am not God, so I cannot say what George Zimmerman’s fate should be. As a citizen of the United States it would be a blatant disrespect to see this crime go “poof” like it never happened. If the jury agrees with the defense’s argument of self-defense, what are we really saying as a nation? Are we giving every person with a chip on their shoulder or a jealous spirit permission to kill whoever they want by picking a fight with them and then losing? Apparently Zimmerman’s attorneys think so. What do you think?


~Miss Jennipher~


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